What’s up everyone! I’m humbled and honored you made it to my site. My name is José Vazquez, and I am an inspirational servant for ILLUMINATE L.C.B.

It has taken my whole life to get to this point and have the courage to live my authentic life. I was born to light the world up and every experience that I have been through in life has helped me decide to remember who and why I was born!  

I channel my passion to serve with creative energy and visionary skills that guide individuals, entrepreneurs and companies to accomplish greatness with in their respective industry. Want to get to know more about me? Please click the BIO below.

Let's Grow Together My Bio


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Speaking and Presenting Services

Jose is mesmerizing when he speaks! An entrepreneur once said “talking to you is like talking to Jesus”. Also, he often hears, “what you said made me go and do it!” His inspiring ways spark people into action AND pierces people’s walls of fear to speak directly to their soul! 


Have a great idea, but don’t know where to start? Are you held back by your fears? Illuminate has had great success getting their own ideas off the ground, but find it even more rewarding to help others achieve their dreams. We thrive in serving others. Let’s Go!

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Teaching is understanding where someone is at today, why they’re there, and showing them a different tomorrow. I teach people to align their work with their gifts. I help people follow their “popcorn trail” Definition of Pop corn trail t’s the trail of happiness you give others by doing what makes you happy and comes easy to you! From there, I teach the fundamentals of entrepreneurship.

Areas of Brilliance:

Areas of Brilliance:


Illuminate LCB diversity program comes from Jose’s personal experiences in living and working in diverse communities. Personal experience allows him and his team to understand diverse demographics and fill in the planning gaps for organizations. We provide valuable consultation for non for profits, small and medium businesses, and large corporations. Jose understands there is beauty in every community and he works diligently to help others see the beauty. Jose thrives on helping organizations write genuine success stories when it comes to diversity.

Three Main Pillars:

Let's Empower Each Other
Diversity Icon

Three Main Pillars:


This book is not about falling in love with the man or woman of your dreams and riding off into a picturesque sunset. Though, in theory it can happen, that Fairy Tale kind of love is reserved for…well, Fairy Tales. Like many, I enjoy nothing more than the typical, predictable romantic flicks that end with the leading man finding his perfect soul mate, sweeping her off her feet and disappearing into tomorrow to live happily ever after. You can get that type of manufactured, conjured up, “Hollywood” love on Netflix for $9 a month by thumbing through the romantic film section.

In real life, that type of love appears in glimpses, but is very difficult to sustain because unfortunately real life tends to get in the way. The love I’m speaking of is the kind that comes from the trenches of everyday life. The love in the mud of things, staged in the chaos of everyday life. I’m talking about that deep, dirty in your face love. A love that is fulfilling, yet scary at the very same time. Love that is 100% pure.

A true inspiration!

I truly enjoyed reading Love in the Trenches of Life and am SO VERY PROUD of the man Jose has become! A true inspiration!

Great book!

This book would make a great gift for someone who needs a reminder to appreciate how love effects them or just to put a smile on their face in general!

Purchase the Book
Love in the Trenches of Everyday Life By Jose Vazquez

Businesses Inspired by Jose

Recyclean Inc Logo

Helped Create Visions

Educate the world to think past the dumpster!

illCurrency Logo

Helped Create Visions

Sneaker-matching Tees and Apparel

Beautifully Bold Logo

Helped Create Visions

Where Cosmetics and Artistry Meet

Yogi's Pudn' Logo

Helped Create Visions



What My Family Says About Me:

“I am blessed that I get to have you in my life. You are an inspiration to every life you touch.”

My Wife

“I am very inspired that you are courageous enough to do what you want in life, and that you don’t care what anybody thinks or says. I love you. (:”

My Daughter

“I’m very proud that you are my son. Reach for the moon, you are still young, handsome, smart and still have a full head of hair. LOL”

My Mom

What Students Say About Me:

“Thanks for opening my eyes and to work for what I love to do!”

Luke R. / Student

“Usually I don’t like listening to speakers, but you made it fun! I took something from your speech.”

Brandon B. / Student

“Thank you for teaching us to overcome our fears!”

Nicky F. / Student



    Fill out my contact form to get in touch with me or use one of the methods below. I look forward to hearing from you and jump starting your dreams!